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Monday, March 28, 2011

Baby and The Rattle Rockers, Baby and Toddler Rock Star FABRIC by Rosanna Hope for Babybonbons

I am so excited about  my latest Baby and Toddler original fabric that I recently designed. I just  received the yardage and the colors turned out amazing!  Also the little Rockers really do make me smile and I think will make baby and your little guy smile in addition and even giggle!  There is so much energy going on in this fabric that your little one is not going to know where to look first and will want to play along with these little friends.  

When designing a little nursery for my little grandson recently,he loves to play guitar, I realized there are no cute baby Rock star fabric collections on the market that  you can fully decorate a boys room with.  So I got to work drawing my little characters. Baby is the lead singer!!!!   He thinks he is on Baby American Idol I think!!!!  Baby and his little gang quickly filled the nursery with attitude, loud voices  and sounds and called themselves Baby and The Rattle Rockers!
                                      BABY AND THE RATTLE ROCKERS

Of course BABY needed a rockin' drummer and jumpin' guitar player for his new gig in the nursery so along came
Rockin  Danny and Rockin Eddie to audition  SHHHHH..... I know Mommy thinks these little pint size musicians are napping, but this Nursery is  JAM-packed full  of  jiving musical sounds.

This little rock star fabric also has a couple of additional friends joining the band this month.  Stay tuned.  Fabric will be available for baby rocker dolls, coordinates for bedding, drapes and wall hangings. Wouldnt this make fun diaper covers?  Adorable guitar and additional fabrics are in the works, so think about designing a complete nursery or bedroom with this unique original Baby and The Rattle Rocker collection. I will also be happy to design custom wall pieces with babies name  personalized on them. Also soon baby onesies will be printed with Baby and his band! Please drop me a note if you are interested in  working with this design.

Hope you have a very sweet week also
                               Rosanna Hope

1 comment:

Fifi Flowers said...

CUTE band! They ROCK!