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Saturday, July 3, 2010

Jazzy Jasmine was in ETSY Florida Team Fest Treasury, Summer Citrus today...Thanks Gail

Jazzy Jasmine was in a ETSY treasury today called Summer Citrus by Gail Cormier
It was a Florida Team Fest Treasury and Jazzy and I are tickled to be part of this bright refreshing treasury. Just click on the Treasury  Thumbnail  above to see all the amazing etsy shop items featured
Gail's blog is Drop by and see her beautiful items today.
Thanks Gail so much.

Jazzy Jasmine Dolly

Also you can see Jazzy Jasmine fabric to make this dolly in the Etsy Treasury at
Jazzy Jasmine Fabric Link

Hope you all are having a Yummy Safe Fun 4th
Rosanna Hope

1 comment:

SimaG Jewelry said...

B E A U T I F U L !!!!!